The aliens
(Jadderbadians) in my novel adopt remnants of the human race (a million years
after a catastrophic asteroid impact) as pets. Because I want my title alien,
Morticue, to be a complex and sympathetic character, I needed to develop a
background for him—one that included his natural and well as personal history.
To make
things a little easier on myself and to provide a situation in which both
Jadderbadians and humans could comfortably live together, I postulated a
species from an Earth-like planet—although one a third larger than Earth and
with even more water. I used my background in biology as a primary resource.
Most SF writers do, in one way or another, draw on the biology of our native
planet. We have no other option. Thus, the horrific alien in the movie, Alien, was patterned after the lifestyle
of wasps and similar insects who lay their eggs inside hosts. The young eat
their way to maturity and the outside world.
Here’s my
attempt to describe Jadderbadian biology and natural history. Although every
detail will not be used, I will have these notes to refer to as I develop my
characters. The details, of course, will be subject to change, should a bolt of
inspiration strike me. Such are the god-like prerogatives of SF writers J
Morticue (Emerald 31)
& Selaea (Amber 86) (Tripodians from a planet, Water, circling a dwarf
yellow star near the belt of Orion)
Tripodians measure roughly 2 meters tall. They have internal
skeletons, bilateral symmetry, tri-radial arms and legs. They possess coarse, hairless
skin, somewhat mollusk-like in texture. Their home world is Earth-like, though
one third larger (with roughly one third more gravity) and 75% ocean. Races
vary in skin color (emerald, amber, and turquoise varieties), eye decoration
and arrangement of sensory pili on their skin. They possess certain insectoid
features, including a succession of larval phase transitions that add limb
whorls. They are born as simple tripodal aquatic creatures with a small head
and incomplete self-awareness. The first molt produces a functional, trainable
and fully terrestrial tripod with its first set of 3 manipulating limbs. The
second and third molts produce progressively larger adults with 6 and 9 limbs,
respectively. The progression typically takes 400 to 450 years. Tripodians don’t transform into sexually
active forms until after third molt metamorphosis, but they do take companions
before this time and are serially monogamous. The sexual phase lasts just 1
year for males and 10 years for females, during which time adults must mate,
females reacquire juvenile gills, lay and protect their egg cases and young
tripods before they die. Tripods that survive their time in the ocean wade
ashore before first molt. Second stage (6-armed) adults arrive at breeding
grounds and adopt two or more “Firsties” to raise and educate. “Seconds” &
“Thirdies” pursue careers in art, science, technology, and philosophy. Many
Thirdies serve as judges, spiritual advisors and philosophers until their final
molt into adults. Thirdies aspire to wisdom and accomplishment before giving
themselves over to the pleasurable excesses of a brief adulthood.
Tripodians passed through mental phases not too unlike those
of humans, though stretched out over 5 million years rather than a million.
These phases—that involved a progression from creative tool use to self-awareness
and consciousness and from innovative art to primitive totemism, religion and
natural philosophy—were, also like humans, stimulated by especially violent,
concentrated cycles of climate change. Tripodians discovered rational thought
processes that led to what humans would describe as “scientific inquiry,” though
tripodians relied more on intuitive insights to spark new explorations. Thirdies,
who left extensive recordings prior to their final molts, more often made these
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